“Josh Bains is an extraordinary editor. He provided a fun and clarifying process to help my co-author and I get started on our book and provided rich language and structural edits that took our book to a new level of readability and power.””
Get a Writing Coach, and get writing!
When you need help to write, for whatever reason, author coaching (or writing coaching) is an excellent way to move your project forward.
Here’s how it works:
1. Free Consultation
This 15 minute intro will let us get to know each other, and see how I can help.
2. Discovery
I strongly encourage writers to begin with a manuscript Discovery. If it’s the first time we’ve worked together, the discovery will allow me to read and critique your draft manuscript, or whatever writing you have.
What’s included:
-Reading the manuscript
-Providing you a report of what I think works, what doesn’t, and what is needed to finish the project, and get it ready for publishing.
-This takes about two weeks.
$2,800 payable up front.
3. Author / Writing Coach Plans
#1 Bestselling Author Plan:
For authors and writers who want to get ahead—fast and furious.
What’s included:
-Eight coaching sessions: 50 minutes, twice a week.
-Up to 4 hours of editing, reading and critique.
Price: $4,800 / month
#2 Executive Author Plan:
What’s included:
-Four coaching sessions: 50 minutes, once a week.
-Up to 2.5 hours of editing, reading and critique.
Price: $2,400 / month
#3 Professional Author Plan:
What’s included:
-Four coaching sessions: 30 minutes, weekly.
-One hour of editing, reading and critique.
Price: $1,800 / month
#4 The Hemingway Plan:
What’s included:
-Two coaching sessions: 30 minutes, bi-weekly.
-One hour of editing, reading and critique.
Price: $900 / month
Fine Print…
If we go over the time in coaching or editing, it’s no problem—just an additional $150 per hour.
The editing I provide in my coaching is designed to make your manuscript better in the sections you’re working on, or to help you hone your own craft.